

RISK ASSESSMENT AND DUE DILIGENCE | Learning more about potential partners or competitors gives you a critical information advantage at the beginning of any business endeavor, negotiation or public debate. Beehive Research will conduct a thorough review of potential new business partners or individuals of interest to verify credentials, check backgrounds, and provide information on their current financial situation.

COALITION AND ISSUE ADVOCACY SUPPORT | Demonstrating grassroots support for positions or policy goals is critical in today’s political environment, and maintaining those coalitions is a time-intensive effort. Working with your earned media, paid media, and online communications teams, Beehive Research will provide the information you need to educate policy makers, members of the media, and other thought leaders on the issue at hand, support those who champion your cause, and neutralize damaging claims from opponents.

INVESTIGATIVE RESEARCH | Understanding the motivations behind the actions of individuals and organizations who affect your business environment puts you in a powerful position when making your case to the public, policymakers, and your peers. We follow the money, putting publicly available financial information in the context of statements, votes, and legislative or executive actions, to see who is being influenced and why. And we use court documents, media archives, and other public records of interest to establish connections that are important to your business environment.